Monthly archives: July, 2016
The Proof is in the Pudding
The Role of Aim
Avalanche pt. 2
Step by Step or All at Once

When I think about ‘steps’, the first thought that always crosses my mind is its application in mathematical problems. I am sure, each one of you must have experienced the significance of solving mathematics in a step-wise manner. While struggling with numbers and variables, we are always reminded about the need to proceed in a …
Avalanche pt. 1
American Antique Road Show Horror Story

Readers Note – Piece Contains Graphic Violence, Taboo Situations and Potentially Triggering Language In the food court of a nondescript mall, our show opens with kiosks and mild throngs of passersby in the background. Host Jim Skipper welcomes Philip Howard of Worcester. Howard prattles on about this foot tall Indian figurine chiseled from what appears …
Express and Attach – The Power of Expression and Communication.

As social animals with ability to communicate, express, emote and connect, human beings have a wonderful feature to their credit. Right since childhood, as we learn this mode of communication, we realize its power in connecting us with others. With this, as a life-long relation commences, we utilize the aspects of expressions and emotions to …
The Breakup pt1 (From the Memoir Series)

He exhaled, thinking about what he had just heard, what she had just told him, breathing out in time with his thoughts. The smoke floated up towards the dim porch light. “We’re done.” He said bitterly with cigarette smoke escaping his mouth, his voice was shaky but subtle. The girl shook her head. He glanced …