Monthly archives: May, 2020

Status Quo

I don’t know. I don’t know how to solve the issues of racism in America. I don’t know if they can be solved. I do know I am sad. I, a white mom, am raising an eleven-year-old mixed-race son. His dad is black. Before my son entered this world, I knew he would face problems I had …

The New Normal?

The New Normal? The sad reality is that it is a shamethat life the way we knew it will never be the same Covid-19 on the psyche of humanity has left a permanent scarhave we seen the worst of it’s birthmarks so far? We will never again see the standsfilled with one hundred thousand screaming …

Love In A Time Of COVID-19

Fate can be so cruel and meanbecause now I only see you on my computer screen No warm embraceor in person glace upon your face It is almost like living it a time of warwith people even afraid to step out their door Eventually, Hulu and Netflix become a boreand the ghost town view outside …

R.I.P. American Democracy

R.I.P.: American Democracy      AG William Barris now the most corrupt one by far Trump’s entire administration is totally bizarrehe is running the country like an old Russian Czar In this month of FebruaryI sadly write this obituary Because as US citizens we are victims of a Coupand American Democracy as we know it is …