Monthly archives: March, 2017
Sub-Illusions Presents: Hackerella Pt 1A
Wild Flower
Your Story Is Meant To Be Unique

Each one of us has to follow an independent route. Though you may have similar behavioral characteristics- matching your siblings or best friends, you are still completely unique in your own way. Aspects such as lifestyle, profession, likes, dislikes, interests, ambitions may coincide with your loved ones, yet the complete package is diverse and novel. …
Memories of Days Gone By
The Jets Ignore Spike Lee And Wisely Avoid Colin Kaepernick

The Jets Ignore Spike Lee And Wisely Avoid Colin Kaepernick Spike Lee claims it “stinks to the high heavens” that polarizing quarterback Colin Kaepernick remains unemployed on an Instagram post from Sunday evening. The 29-year-old Kaepernick, who San Francisco selected out of Nevada with the 36th overall pick in the 2011 NFL Draft, opted out …
Cross The Bridge When You Get There

We often tend to jump ahead into the future. As an excuse to run away from the present situation, our mind clings towards worries of tomorrow. This can take us away from the current circumstances. Rather than living in the future and overthinking about challenges ahead, we should be able to tackle the roadblock that …
In The Buffet Of Life

Imagine if you will, a true Story about you. If you were confronted in the moment of your life’s end, how would you prefer your autobiography to be written? Now, imagine you could write your life’s script exactly as you would wish it to play out. With all the possible choices and experiences scattered on …
Don’t Analyze, Do Act

Human nature is known for its powerful mind. With a dynamic processing center that works almost every minute of the day, mind is famous for its analysis, ideas, thoughts and concepts. Our ability to think and comprehend differentiates us from the other members of the living world, giving us an edge to make a better …