Monthly archives: November, 2016
One Day At A Time…

Call it natural human tendency or unpredictable human mind, we often jump our thoughts way ahead into the future. Before we even manage to accomplish half of the tasks in hand, we find ourselves planning for several days ahead. While worrying about the challenges of tomorrow or chalking our strategies for the next game-plan, we …

Readers Note – This Piece Contains Explicit Violent Content Murderer. Murderer. Murderer. That’s what all her mind could think of. A pitiless killer; that’s what she is. It is wrong to torture and kill the person who ruined all your life and turned it upside down? Is it wrong to cuff his hands and his …
False Flags

What happens on the the dark net makes the truth hard to vet Chinese, North Korean and Russian hackers are paid by their nation state backers The CIA, DIA and NSA use disinformation and misinformation to get their way Millions of fake stories on Facebook and via Twitter hashtags be careful you don’t fall for …
The Breath Of Your Poetry

I cling on to the breath between your words, Every pause a beautiful remnant Of the poetry, preceding, to imbibe the sweetness of anticipation of a melodious dulcet, yet to follow, and in that joyful contemplation I slide along the contour of your cursive, gazing in awe at the dazzling calligraphy, touching the tip of …
Why Do We Choose Disappointment?

Life is all about opportunities, adventures, experiences, challenges and situations. As we walk along the path, we encounter diverse hardships that can hamper our spirit. Though difficulties are designed with an aim to evaluate our preparation, it is essential to find our way and emerge successful. We may not know the right solution to every …
I Am Because We Are
Sucker Punched – Election Night

Last night angry White people to the polls made a “mad” dash fueled by feelings of fear and expressing an “Obama Backlash” The results of last night’s US elections gives me a scare because it means the end of things like “Obamacare” Our President elect acts like the “One Who Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” …
Sometimes The Bear Eats You
Return To The Big Lebowski (Fan Fiction)

Readers note – contains strong language Walter locks Sobchak Security’s front door and walks to his van at approximately 9PM on Sunday, May 1. He turns on the radio and learns Usama Bin Laden has reportedly been killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan. “What happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass,” mutters Walter …