Monthly archives: April, 2018
Lake In A Room
The I.C.E. Man Cometh

The I.C.E. Man Cometh* I am not talking about Jerry Butler’s song but the real fear illegal aliens face all day long Hanging over them like the sword of Damocles is the threat of deportation from our ungrateful nation Because of Racial indifference as in O’Neil’s play which is are our “reality” here in America …
Wait And Watch

When ‘Wait And Watch’ Is The Need Of The Hour Picture this – you have invested every possible effort for the final project, you have ensured every necessary step is executed from your end, you have calculated few risks and made alternative arrangements to prevent a mishap, and you have exhibited utmost levels of dedication. …
Americans Will Adapt And Advance With Artificial Intelligence

Americans Will Adapt And Advance With Artificial Intelligence “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change,” said Cambridge University physicist, cosmologist and best-selling author Stephen Hawking, who passed away at the age of 76 on March 14. Artificial intelligence (A.I.) has arrived and its impact on society is immeasurable. Roughly 84 percent of Americans are …