2017: The Trump Takes Office

As we launched the new year with parties and fun, soon we will be inaugurating a new dictator; uh I mean president sorry.
The new puckered face of our government.
It’s been 8 years since another president has held the highest office in the land, and for many children, Barrack Obama is the only president they’ve ever seen in the White House.
Although this election has surely brought up a whole heap of emotion from all sides, it’s over now and the president was chosen. No matter how hard you, I myself, or the chosen one Bernie Sanders wish that it wasn’t true, it is.
I see a lot of rejoicing from the right, and a lot of despair from the left. Regardless of your views on the new president elect, I believe that now, more than ever, we need to work together to make our country a better nation for our children to grow up in.
Don’t get me wrong, there are people with legitimate concerns with Trump and his scandalous past; from the multiple sexual assault cases to stiffing people who worked for him. HOWEVER, you should give the man a chance and be the bigger person. Don’t stoop to their level and fight every single thing he does. We see how total obstruction of the president doesn’t help anything after how Barrack was treated.
Now I’m not saying let him plunge us into another unnecessary war over twitter beef, or allow tiny hands to grope women because he’s “Rich and famous” but give him a fair shot. Should he do something wrong hold him accountable. Nonetheless, I believe we should try to work together as a country rather than divide over small issues like whether someone stands for an anthem, or who someone voted for.
Today we are facing issues where people in Flint, Michigan have lead in their blood due to the lead packed water they are provided. THAT is an issue.
Native Americans in North Dakota had to endure extensive mistreatment and violence in order to protect their water. THAT is an issue.
There being over 500,000 homeless people in the U.S. and nearly 50,000 of those folks have served the very country that has thrown them to the gutters. THAT is an issue.
We care so much about labels and hating others based on them, when we should be putting our differences aside and working together on the things we agree on.
For instance, making medicinal Cannabis legal in all 50 states to relieve the numerous ailments it helps or cures is pretty bipartisan, just like helping our veterans after returning home is as well.
Remember people, “United we stand, divided we fall”. If we continue to divide ourselves, we will fail. In the end, we all bleed the same.
