A Song in the Key of Insanity
MAGA and QAnon folks are still supporting Trump
who turned this county into a dump
They wear safety belts for their protection because it is a simple task
but refuse to wear a face mask
Numerous conspiracy theories and rumors they have said
like the one about JFK Jr. returning from the dead
The GOP has taken the concept of retro to far
and on the body politic this has left a permanent scar
Trying to turn back the hands of time
is against the will of the divine
Taking away people’s right to vote
this will cause things in this nation to end on a bad note
Forcing women to return to getting abortions in back-alley ways
the way they did in the old days
I am slowly losing my faith in humanity
because life in America is now A Song In The Key Of Insanity
Hussein Ali Hill-Johnson 12/4/21
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