Invisible Creatures

Crawls of prickly tugs flow through Imagination thrills end Creepy eyes monk at me Little teased lashes cruel up Laughter sneaks in to rescue muffled cries Holding tight, Dragon is ready for battle Lonely bliss glides across the globe Unveiling timely healing Will power will be a dream for now; Keeping together through hell and …

The Last Call

The GOP is playing a dangerous game of “Russian Roulette” their gun is aimed at our Republic, while they place their next bet Democrats like Shumer, Chuck are trying to reign in this US President that has run a muck Telling lies that are taller than a New York skyscraper and using the US Constitution …

What Is Color?

Green, Gold, Red, White, Blue, what is it in color what is it in you, what is it about me, my color makes you hate and doubt me, my color is my reality, my color makes you mad at me, my color is brown, not shut up don’t make a sound, not lay down or …

Bring Me My Flowers While I’m Still Here

Bring me my flowers while I am still here the smell of them I want to be near Life is uncertain and your way is often unclear it is the unknown that we fear Let me enjoy the colors of the blooms Mother Nature’s fabrics from her looms Let me share the love of the …

I Will Not Stop Fighting

Surprised? Wondering whether you should stop reading this post that originates from a fighter? Before you jump ahead and draw your conclusions on the title, give me a moment to explain. When I declare my inclination towards this undesirable act of fighting, I am hinting towards the battle we have with our goals, dreams, desires …

Life Minus One: Ophelia Chapter 2

Life has never been enough for me; I have always needed more. When you stay in one place for a long time, you will slowly start to resemble your surroundings. Therefore, I have spent my life moving around. However, this time has been the longest for me to stay in one place. But, it has …

I Want To Thank You

Yes, you read it right. I want to thank you as power of appreciation and gratitude is truly amazing. It is said we must not thank our near and dear ones as it may weaken the bond. Yet, I always believe in the strength of appreciation. Expressing gratitude is a wonderful way to get closer …

Just Another One

To life’s rhythm and rhyme we all try our best to keep time Hoping to be a pleasing melody and not an atonal felony We are all seeing to be closer to our heavenly composer Be we R&B, Jazz, Blues, Classical or Country we all belong because each one of us is a song I …

Sub-Illusions Presents: Hackerella pt. 2

Reader’s note – the following story contains violence and strong language In an instant she snaps out of it, and is back in the here and now. “Don’t touch me!!” She screams. As she lashes out she clenches her now metal hand into a fist, and penetrates the undead creatures skull. As she watches the …

Ophelia The Silent Chaos – Chapter One

“Before Life” After darkness there is a ceiling; a white bright ceiling. My eyes are blinking in fast motions and my skin is linked to a cold concrete. The space around me is bright and inside my head there is a silent mess. I cannot remember myself. I try to move but my head is …