Go With The Flow

Impatient decisions, quick actions, rapid inferences, unthoughtful conclusions – an endless list that point towards the consequences of ‘haste’. Haste and impatience are two dangerous elements that can bring undesirable changes to our life. Patience is an extremely essential shade that needs to be incorporated into our attitude. Situations and circumstances have a strong influence …

Need you say more?

French toast and crepes passionately kiss your lips while chestnut praline and crème brulee shake your hips. Sugar in the form of antique yellow and lights—race your blood as quick as does an old downtown night. A silver screen–both large and small—enshrouds you as snugly as days of Fall. The radio that inhabits your room …

Wonderful Noise

Oh that wonderful noise The sound of traffic Ah that wonderful noise Of all that’s tragic Hear it down the street? It’s a noise that can’t be beat After a noisy busy week The soft sound of quiet Can’t be beat G. William Szany

While Rome Burns

People are endangering their lives playing Pokemon the KKK is inspired because of Trump’s a Svengali like phenomenon Church folks saying it’s the end of days people in NYC passing out in the streets in a K2 haze Hillary is hoping to fool America with a Jedi mind trick like a mob moll with a …

Without my Permission…

Readers Note – Contains Heavy Sexual Content Without my permission… You’ll never see the inside of these walls again. All because you couldn’t understand. You got all my juices flowing through your lungs Bet you never thought you would get this close again Where have you been? I don’t care… It’s time to get down …

The Hanged Man

Upon the orb on which man may stand I hang unbridled, untouched by land. My eyes adhere to a truth denied. Against consensus world wide. Tis my nature Tis my mind That begs the question from inside My rope untouched, allows me flight This mind of mine sees different plight. Bestowed this freedom I’m left …

The Woman in the Wall

– “Nothing.. I have nothing to say” – “How about a sound?” – “The heart?” – “Yeah.. the heart” – “Empty.. an empty jar.” – “A jar of butterflies.. How about this?” – “Dead!” – “By fire?” – “No.. an empty heart.” – “Ah!” – “You?” – “What about me?” – “You dream?” – “Yes.. …

The Proof is in the Pudding

US politicians are pitching a new dream they make sound so inviting but, none of them will to give us a warranty for it in writing We all want to be happy, safe and free but, that does not come with a money back guarantee Can it be returned, if with it we are not …

The Role of Aim

AIM – goal in progress, plan in action What do you plan to do in the next five years from now? What is your goal for the next month? What is your passion that you desire to accomplish? What is the task that you look forward to do in the coming weeks? If you look …

Avalanche pt. 2

The two men had been walking for hours and the snow had not stopped falling from the sky. “I can’t go on no further” replied Barney in a frustrated tone. He looked around and saw the cold emptiness of the forest and took a seat on a fallen tree. “We have to keep moving Barney, …