The War! (An excerpt)
*Readers Note – This Piece Contains Graphic Language* I know this feeling all too well — I hate it when it comes around. It, most certainly, has become a good friend of mine. You had your pleasure with this body. Tell me these lips didn’t send vibrations through your soul? These hips, did they not …
Happiness is Always Worth Fighting For
We all strive to be happy throughout our lives. No matter what you define as happiness it’s something you make time for. For some, happiness is spending time with loved ones during the holidays, for others it’s time spent enjoying a hobby. Laughing until it hurts is one of the happiest times for me. Nothing …
I Used to Feel Home
Things That are True P5 – Sorrow
Sorrow is not meant to be wasted. During the last three years, every good thing that made up my life has slowly and mercilessly been stripped from me: my love and best friend, family, job, travel, money, independence, stability. Everything that makes one feel human- gone. It is so real my mom actually said to …
Beyond Forgiveness
This life can be hard. An arduous, repetitive, lonely, nauseous existence. This soul. This spirit. Tested. Time and time again Prayer. bible. community Prayer. bible. community Prayer. bible. community I try I fail I try again. This spirit deserves to be protected. How many men have I given life to? Broken my spine to please? …
Demons and Regrets
Demons and Regrets Haunt me like nicotine-filled cigarettes. If you ask me, I’m ready. If you test me, I’ll fall. To truly prepare for my partner – I’ll need to put in some serious work. One day, I’ll be at the top of my game. No longer looking backwards, to the left or insane. Been …
Things that are True pt. 4 – Love is a Choice.
Love doesn’t start as a choice, but it becomes one. The all-too-lovely feeling of being completely head over heels for someone is so drunk-ing-ly magical; and also entirely allusive. The most life-changing part of love is not in the fall, but the commitment – it’s when it becomes a choice. Loving someone is easy when …
I Wish
I wish I could fly high in the sky leave this entire world behind Go places I’ve never been escape from every sin Alone and free a place I could be me having the time of my life feeling, living, breathing joy – Olive Benson