Tag «Short Story»
One of the Demons
American Antique Road Show Horror Story

Readers Note – Piece Contains Graphic Violence, Taboo Situations and Potentially Triggering Language In the food court of a nondescript mall, our show opens with kiosks and mild throngs of passersby in the background. Host Jim Skipper welcomes Philip Howard of Worcester. Howard prattles on about this foot tall Indian figurine chiseled from what appears …
In Her Memory (Speck of Dust)
He Takes Every Bride
Things That Are True pt 1.
Life Sucks Sometimes. It sucks when things in life start to go wrong. Sometimes it’s our fault, and sometimes it’s not. Either way it sucks. I think it sucks more when it’s our fault. What’s true though is that when it has passed, God has always worked out a change for the better. There’s a …
Cancer. The word makes people cringe. IT sends those conflicted into the stages of grief. Some will never accept that they have IT, refusing treatment and living out the rest of their lives, but always have IT silently nagging. Others will believe IT, but remain angry for the rest of their lives, becoming bitter and …