Every Dark Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Literature has always surprised me with its rich stock of proverbs, idioms, phrases and prose that has something to say. Think about any situation or experience and you will find some interesting saying to describe it well. Be it any language or culture, literature comes across as an asset that depicts its wealth. Proverbs and words describe our situations well. Whether you are excited with loads of happiness or disappointed with doses of sorrow, whether you are motivated to move ahead in life or whether you plan to rest for a while, literature can describe our thoughts in a flawless manner.
One such proverb that has always inspired me has given birth to the title of this article. Many a times in life, we come across unexpected difficulties that may change our entire journey. With uncertain future, as we move ahead in a hope to deal with it, we may greet several troubles and difficulties. Though challenges are designed with an aim to bring out the best in us, such difficult moments may fill our lives with sorrow. While the need of the hour demands our efforts and quick actions, it is important to think about the outcome. Accepting defeat with disappointed aura can never lead us to satisfaction, instead it is necessary to stay positive. By accepting positivity in our lives, we can transform every undesirable situation into something better.
This makes it essential to hunt for the silver lining in every dark situation. Though you may be surrounded by mountain of difficulties, there are some good aspects that will present themselves over a course of time. While you are focused to find the solution, it is also important to look for the positive outcome of such troubles. Often, when we are dealing with difficulties, we may not be able to look at the brighter sides of life. Though troubles may offer us sorrow and pain, we must hunt for the positive side-effects too. Searching for positivity even amidst negative situations represents a distinct shade to our nature. If we incorporate this aspect into our personality, we can always expect happiness and peace. Though this approach does not guarantee an easy life with smooth road, it only ensures finding our way out with positivity.
Every unexpected and difficult situation has some hidden aspects in its cover. Though you may never find those easily, while struggling to overcome your difficulties; they do offer some happiness in the due course of time. Many a times, challenging situations bring out the best in us. They acquaint us with our hidden skills, capabilities or qualities. As we find our way out, it introduces us to a newer self who can tackle things in a different light. Difficulties open our eyes about past mistakes, shortcomings or faults; prompting us to bring a positive change in every domain.
With this thought in mind, it is always necessary to look out for that silver lining before being discouraged by darkness or sorrow. Every situation will offer some goodies, irrespective of the difficulties in path. To appreciate this silver lining, it is necessary to keep an open attitude and positive approach.
Recognize that silver lining always and embrace it closely, after all life is not about difficulties but about solutions over those difficulties!

