Monthly archives: December, 2016
Blue Butterfly
Are You Carefree Enough?

Surprised by this title? Wondering if carefreeness is a virtue to be proud about? Before you reject this article as too impractical to be true, let me take you into the sea of my thoughts. Carefreeness is the state of being happy with ourselves. While associating with numerous people around, we tend to stay bonded …
Confessions Of A Bad Relationship
How may I express the inner turmoil I feel, when I don’t know how I can survive without you? You are all I have ever wanted in my life. You brought me such joy and happiness, but now it appears to have only been temporary. I was attracted to you from the very beginning. You …
Throw Away That Fear

A powerful four letter word that takes away everything away from you- ‘FEAR’ is the root cause of disturbance in the journey of life. Call it a figment of our imagination or unwanted piece of our mind – fear engages us in unnecessary transactions along the way. Without any healthy output, all it leaves behind …
The Penny

Don’t lick that penny, Little Johnny, she says That penny has been through too many hands Hands are dirty, dirty things indeed They also touch way too many things They scratch itches Dig ditches And move things about Some people even put their hands in their mouth That penny you hold in your little hand …
Life Lessons as Learning Experiences: Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

The universe has a way of grabbing our attention at times. Life can get so busy and hectic that we lose sight of our dreams, our sense of self, and what is happening around us. Steve Jobs said it best during his 2005 Stanford Commencement address, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can …
Truth, Choice, and Identity

We are labeled with a name at the start of our new life, which has nothing to do with our true identity. We are expected to succeed within a guarded society, without any concession in our freedom of choice. Our spiritual nature is overshadowed in a world of material importance, but still in grace we …