The Luxury Of Indifference
The Bear
The Bear The voices twisted nearer then farther away, acrobatic in the cold crunching snow and branches. He could not quite see them, but followed watching for the setter’s red stretched body, listening for the voice of his father’s shotgun. The voice of his father by the fire telling him the myth again. The bear …
Pick Your Battles Wisely
Pick Your Battles Wisely Does everything around you need your attention or can you leave something to time? Is it necessary to spend your energy and resources in defendingevery decision or can you just leave it to time? Why is it necessary to prove yourself to every critic who chooses to offer a feedback? While I always believed …
My Garden of Creation
My Garden of CreationA space where flowers grow with names like simile and metaphor and cultivating them is the work than I adore I am digging through my mind for another fresh rhyme because once again it is harvest time I arrange the concepts based on platonic idealism juxtaposed with stark modern urban realism With themes old as time …
Joy of the Day
My Rose Colored Glasses
Built to be Blessed
#AWOKE Hate crimes are now on the rise NRA got caught working with Russian spies Our election system is beyond antiquated some of the equipment goes back to when Anthony and Cleopatra dated Trump is trying to convince the “Sheeple”that the press is “The Enemy of The People” While he wastes 200 million dollars on …
To Be…
To Be… The longing for more… For change-something new The constructional cracks in your soul seen by you. Thinking about time running out. To old, to slow, unheard, unseen Questioning everything and everyone, but especially yourself with what ifs, should haves, and could have been. Replaying old failures that worked out for the good, if you look out far enough or …